First and foremost, we are committed to provide Internet Access to those under served through isolation by choice and/or circumstances.
Marrowstone Wireless is a trade name or “Doing Business As” (dba) of MACaid, Inc. Marrowstone Wireless operations were started in April 2015 on Marrowstone Island in Washington State.
Marrowstone Wireless does not provide any content or paid services over their network to connected clients for use of said clients. Marrowstone Wireless only provides Internet Access to clients.
Clients are billed a monthly fee for Marrowstone Wireless to perform the remote monitoring and operations of the Marrowstone Wireless hybrid network on the clients’ behalf to maintain the connection to the Internet via the Marrowstone Wireless network elements.
Marrowstone Wireless network elements include radio microwave links, fiber optic links, Ethernet wired links and other elements as called for to complete network paths.
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To read some of our monthly newsletters to member clients go here: MW Newsletter PDF files
What is Marrowstone Wireless?
Hybrid Networks